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How to Enable Webhook for Bot Auto Responder

  • RahmatSN
  • 16 Desember 2021

Webhook for Bot Auto Responder is a new feature that was created and developed to add a function in providing reply messages that are replied to by the Bot according to the existing menu/trigger.

This feature is available on IDEVWA - WhatsApp Notification Module version 1.2.0 or newer and WhatsApp Gateway v1.6.15 or newer. And here are the features of the webhook for bot auto responder:

  • Sending default auto-reply messages.
  • Sending messages by menus/triggers you have set.
  • Sends "Bot Not Found" message if the menu/trigger is not available.

How to enable webhook on WhatsApp Gateway

  1. Stop whatsapp gateway service using:
    systemctl stop kirimwa_server.service
    systemctl stop kirimwa_sender.service
    *For old installation version use:
    systemctl stop kirimwa.service
  2. Open /opt/kirimwa/config_server.yaml and /opt/kirimwa/config_sender.yaml then add or change the value with the line marked by the blue line
    *For old installation version use: /opt/kirimwa/config.yaml
  3. Change value webhook.enabled to 1, webhook.header_key with value on token_name (config.yaml), webhook.header_value with value on token_value (config.yaml), webhook.url with value on webhook url (config.yaml)
  4. Start whatsapp gateway service using:
    systemctl start kirimwa_server.service
    systemctl start kirimwa_sender.service
    *For old installation version use:
    systemctl start kirimwa.service
  5. Now, webhook on your whatsapp gateway is enabled.

How to enable webhook on WHMCS Module

  1. Login to your WHMCS Administrator Dashboard
  2. Go to Addons > IDEVWA WhatsApp API
  3. Click "System Settings" tabs on IDEVWA WhatsApp API Dashboard
  4. Scroll down and search "Webhook Management", you will see Token Name and Token Value
  5. Fill Token Name and Token value based on your WhatsApp Gateway Webhook Configuration that you have set.
  6. Save.
  7. Now, you can Add Bot Menu Templates on "Bot Responder Template", So if your client chat to your whatsapp gateway number then they will get response from your bot based on available menu/trigger templates.

WhatsApp Notification Module for WHMCS

* If you encounter any problems, don't hesitate to contact us :)


Thank You

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